Thursday, May 27, 2010

Green Disposal of Medications Step-by-Step

Items you will need
• Kitty litter, flour, or coffee grounds
• Rubbing alcohol or water
• Sealable plastic bag or empty margarine or whipped cream-type container
• Plastic grocery bag
• Small hammer (optional)
• Duct tape (optional)
• Paper towel (optional)

1. Take pills out of original containers, placing in paper towel and folding.
2. Gently crush pills with hammer. This step is optional, as the pills will eventually dissolve into the mixture,     but crushing pills quickens the process.
3. Add remains of crushed pills, capsules, and any other medications, like liquids, to plastic bag or container.
4. Add enough alcohol or water to cover medications.
5. Add kitty litter, flour, or coffee grounds. Helps conceal and makes meds unappealing to anyone that might be tempted to abuse them.
6. Seal and gently tilt side to side to mix.
7. If using a container with a lid secure with duct tape.
8. Place container and paper towel in plastic grocery bag and place in trash. This will help conceal medications and keep them out of the groundwater longer.
9. Remove labels from empty medicine containers or use black marker to cover any personal information before discarding in trash. Protects your privacy.

Special considerations

• Liquids, IV medications, and suppositories only need to be mixed with kitty litter or coffee grounds.
• Transdermal Patches: Using disposable gloves when available, remove patches from the packaging. Cut the patch in half carefully, handling it by the edges. Wash hands thoroughly if medicine comes in contact with skin. Place in a plastic container. Add kitty litter or flour to the container.
• Medicated Ointments and Creams: Mix kitty litter or flour into the original container. If this is not feasible, squeeze or scoop medication into a plastic container and mix in the kitty litter or flour.
• Various medications can be mixed together in one bag or container.

The FDA currently recommends flushing certain medications, mostly strong pain medications. Click below to go to the FDA web site to see the medications listed.

FDA Website